External Support and Tutorials
Arduino is the go to microcontroller for interactive artwork. It's the one we teach because it is so well suported. Both Adafruit and Sparkfun make their tutorials assuming you will be attaching their modules to an arduino. The Arduino website is a treasure trove of useful information, containing a reference guide, examples, software downloads, and a frequently updated blog.
Specific Module Tutorials
Really Useful Sites
Trusted Suppliers
Generally Ebay is your cheapest choice for electronics, however UWE cannot verify the quality of every Ebay supplier so purchase at your own risk.
UWE cannot endorse any of these suppliers, stockists or services. They are simply suppliers that are continuing to take and dispatch online orders at present. Personal research and investigation into their suitability, costing, quality and time frames will be needed. Other suppliers are available and may be cheaper or more efficient.